Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's Our Grand Opening!!!

I am very excited to be embarking on this new endeavor! As a Grand Opening Special, I am offering a custom color combination of the following:

A flower with crocheted hat and headband for $20.00

This special is for a limited time
~ today until July 10th ~
so get your orders in now!

How to order:

* To see some color combinations, please click here. If you have another idea, or need to match something specific, feel free to email me:

* Click on the "Buy Now" button. You will have an option to pick whether you need it to be shipped, or if you will pick it up - And that's it!

Grand Opening Special!

** NOTE: Your Paypal address is where your purchase will be shipped. If this is NOT where you would like your item to be shipped YOU MUST LET ME KNOW!



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